Not Enough Dead Kids in America

Apparently, not enough children have died from guns in America for gun control legislation to be passed in our great nation.  The Brady Campaign reports that about 3,000 children are shot by accident annually and 125 children are killed every year.

Since at least 3,000 children being killed and 90,000 children being shot in the past three decades are not enough to merit any substantial legislation, I propose doing what we Americans do best — nothing.  As Republicans continue their dominance in the Senate, nothing will be done to save the next 6,000 children who will be accidentally shot during the remaining Obama years.

Let’s all ignore the upcoming trial of Daquan Breland, awaiting trial for killing a 1 year old child in Brooklyn.  Let’s just turn off the TV when the next mass murder occurs in some peaceful town.  Most importantly, let’s pop some popcorn this December when the next anniversary for 25 slaughtered Connecticut children rolls around.  Apparently, this country is not even truly galvanized when cute little suburban white kids are killed, so sit back and enjoy the show, America!  Let’s aim for 500,000 dead kids!

Yours in Christ,

A Ride on the Subway

Race War Chronicles – A ongoing look at the race war through the eyes of a twelve year old.
by Sara Silver

Taking the subway, one can’t help but notice a divided city, where stars of most TV and film are white, and other races take a back seat, unless the product is made just for that market.  Our country’s is still run mostly by white people, despite the color of our President.  White dentists, white plastic surgeons, and white-owned storage companies think putting their best face forward is putting a white face forward.

Apartheid is usually defined in the dictionary as a South African-based word, but it’s time for America to admit THAT shoe fits them pretty well too, judging from the Supreme Court verdict on Voting Rights and most TV commercials I see.

Next time you walk across a New York subway platform, or walk down the street, take a headcount of how many white faces YOU see in ads, in a city where white people are technically a minority.  The next time I use the word ‘Apartheid’ state, you may understand what I mean.



[uhpahrt-heyt, -hahyt] Show IPA


1. (in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid policy of segregation of the nonwhite population.
2. any system or practice that separates people according to race, caste, etc.

Cheerios Not So Tasty Commercial

Dear General Mills;

You must choose between being ‘controversial and racist’, OR ‘controversial and progressive’.  Last year you made a ‘controversial and progressive’ TV ad with a child in an interracial family.  The commercial can viewed in the link below:

Your organization dismissed the controversy by taking a progressive stance, and ignoring the ignorant, claiming that the commercial merely represented the fact that families do not appear as they did 60 years ago.

This past year, however, your organization has made a 180-degree turn by partnering with Nelly, where he gives your famous Bee an ‘urban’ makeover, putting him in black clothes and high-top sneakers, and changing his voice and the soundtrack of the commercial to a hip-hop beat (link below)


Some may argue that this commercial as it stands alone is not offensive, until you couple it with the follow-up commercial you produced, titled by YouTube as “Drop that Honey Beat”….

This Reggae-ton style continues a contemporary stereotype geared toward young Black and Latino audiences, where the Bee breakdances, wears seemingly overpriced sneakers, and is kissed by a brown-skinned beauty.  I’m no marketing genius, but I’m quite sure you didn’t run this ad in the suburbs of Utah.  You can’t play both sides of the race card by juggling ‘white’ versions and ‘urban’ versions simultaneously.  If you want everyone to eat your food, you can’t pretend they live in two different countries.  All races travel, and our hotel stays reveal your flip-flopping.

Whatever will you do when the Asian market grows, have the Bee pulling a rickshaw and avenging his slain martial arts teacher?  Please refer to my letter to Kmart to learn how to make commercials that don’t make you look racist.  ( )  Just because you are NOT AS racist, doesn’t mean you can’t further advance yourselves socially.  Let’s make the world better.


A Solution to Racial Stress

Dear Caucasian Person,

Since it’s so incredibly difficult for you to treat brown-skinned people as equals, try this simple exercise on a 24/7 basis with all of your darker friends regardless of their gender:

1.  Pretend the person you’re speaking to is white before you open your mouth and say something.  If you suddenly feel the urge to refer to the individual as “Bro” or “My man” or “Girl”, you’re not doing it right.

2.  If you have ANY desire to discuss racial issues, how many Chinese or Latino friends you have, or want to impress someone with your incredible love of Barack Obama or Mark Anthony, slap yourself in the face and return to step 1.

3.  If you want to move heaven and earth to get some non-Caucasian acquaintance to be your friend, dedicate yourself to following rule 1 at all times, no matter how close you get to this person, even if it becomes a romantic relationship or a “bromance”.  Better to take a break from this person or not return their phone calls than break this rule.

4.  If you can’t do step 1 while you’re angry or drunk, don’t speak to the person at those times.  You must decide then and there if you want to be remembered as ‘someone who can be a jerk sometimes’  OR  ‘someone who is racist’.  You can always recover from the former rather than the latter.

5.  If you watch Fox News regularly, stop reading this page, you are a victim of misinformation and propaganda overload.  Seek help from the nearest social science educator or historian.  (A real historian, not your friend who is into Civil War memorabilia.)

6.  If you find you can’t fully express yourself to the person as you would one of your siblings or close friend, accept your limitations and accept the vapid world you apparently grew up in.

7.  If you want to use this person to validate ANY thought you have about race relations or some conservative agenda, slap yourself and return to step 1.

8.  If this person dresses up as a pirate for Halloween, and part of you wants to refer to that person as a “{Insert race here} pirate”  slap yourself harder, and, yeah you guessed it….

9.  If you want to write a comparable set of rules like this for some non-Caucasian group, remind yourself who killed American natives in the 19th Century, continues to screw them regularly, enslaved a race of African people, rejected that large boat of Jewish refugees during World War II, then slap yourself several times, and return to rule 1.

Again, if you find this exercise too difficult to do on a daily basis, accept your limitations and remain a backward person.  Fox News will always need an ignorant audience.

Let’s make the world better,


Kmart – Just PRETEND I’m White!

Kmart cmxl

Dear Kmart,

Filling a TV screen with children from two minority groups and tossing in a token blonde white boy is not acceptable in this new century.  Encouraging contemporary ‘step-n-fetchit’ ghetto culture is not going to get you more customers.  I’m sure the predominantly Caucasian managers and executives in your world find it quite amusing to produce the drivel you’ve polished up, but you have only given me a great reason not to go back-to-school shopping at your store.

Since it seems most large companies are unable to produce TV commercials, allow me to help you avoid looking like a racist organization in four easy steps:

1.  PRETEND I’M WHITE.  Accept the vanilla, homogeneous world you live in, and produce commercials like you normally do.

2.  When you’ve perfected your “Caucasian” script, replace all prospective Caucasian actors with people who DO NOT remind you of yourselves, not just Blacks and Latinos. Hire an Asian, Native, or Pakistani child.

3.  DON’T change the soundtrack to R & B or rap, DON’T make the announcer sound like Don Cornelius from “Soul Train”, and you will find you have produced content suitable for any group.

4.  Distribute the commercial as you NORMALLY would, to what you enjoy referring to as the ‘urban’ market, and you will create a world that’s better to live in.

I shouldn’t have to explain to my brown-skinned daughter why it’s not wise to mimic the children in your new commercial, and you shouldn’t be letting your Caucasian children think how you currently do business is acceptable.  Since you apparently can’t see me as an equal, please just pretend I’m as white as you are, and you’ll find we will both be better off.

You can continue running your organization in whatever backward manner you’re comfortable with, and I can continue helping China become the most potentially dangerous world power ever.

It’s a win-win for everyone.  (Hey, that can be your new motto, free of charge!)

Yours in Christ,

US Lopsided Toward Israel

Gaza Victims

This new example of blind US support of Israel highlights decades of Palestinians getting the short end of any attempt at peace negotiations.  The US has given hundreds of billions in foreign aid and investment toward Israel, while Palestinians struggle to get even a fraction of such support.  The US has done little to aid the Arab Spring, and looks on objectively as corruption and lack of resources sour any future hope of adding democracies to the Middle East.

Allowing the US to participate in negotiations is a slap in the face to the 600 civilians that have died in the past several weeks.  There is no lack of sympathy for the 32 Israeli soldiers recently killed, but the US is counterproductive if it sends one more dollar to Israel.  For American goyim to even discuss the issue with “Jewish friends” is a further example of how lopsided we truly are.

Americans would be far better off funding a Japanese or Swedish envoy to resolve the dispute, than continuing it’s faltered “Roadmap to Peace”, as our continued involvement is permanently hampered by special interests.

America Near Third World Status

Kristof_New-thumbLarge-v3        Kristof_New-thumbLarge-v3

Race War Chronicles
by Sara Silver

For US conservatives and moderates, it is time to accept the fact that the US is VERY similar to third world countries, particularly with regard to income inequality.  New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof highlights new statistics in today website.

There are many who have deluded themselves into thinking the way to solve the problem is by talking MORE about how to deal with the problem, but Senators John McCain and Boehner’s “Hell No!” Congress has only helped to increase the divide over the past decade.

Southerners and Suburbanites everywhere can no longer delude themselves into thinking an organic approach is feasible.  It’s time to drive a progressive and LIBERAL agenda via presidential executive order, or President Barack Obama will be AS responsible for the upcoming fallout and backlash from the nation’s growing majority of impoverished citizens.  It’s bad enough he has appointed Telecom cronies to the FCC, as previous presidents have, but the time for golfing with CEOs passed decades ago.

How quickly will you return MY phone call, Mr. President?  Don’t you think you should throw the golf shoes in the closet?  Many will call you a dictatorial socialist anyway, why don’t you show them how it’s REALLY done?

US Military Bans Natural African Hair – Seriously!

For those ignorant friends of mine who delude themselves into thinking racism is a thing of the past, Stick this in your “Maybe Rennick has a point” file.  The brilliant reaction to the news is below, and is one of the best pieces of journalism I’ve seen all summer.

Brown-skinned US soldiers have the strength of numbers to help themselves out of situations like these, but have you ever thought about the lone brown-skinned newbie in your office?  That person is easy to ignore when it’s just one person, but shouldn’t you prick up your ears when they fight to fit in?

Next time you dismiss someone in your fluorescent-lit hell you call a workspace, please think twice.