Black History Starts With A Bang To The Head — Sara Silver Chronicles

Sara Silver Chronicles:  Continuing coverage on America’s Race War, told from a thirteen year old girl.

Albany, NY —  Three female UAlbany students were beaten here yesterday, in a clear example of blacks simply misunderstanding the actions of blue-blooded Americans.  Albany tradition, as you all know, celebrates Black History Month by surprising random Blacks with a beating or lynching.  The town ordinance has been in effect since 2012, amid great controversy.

“We were just saying ‘Hi’, that’s how we say ‘Hi’ here in Albany.”  Tracey Gillam pleaded to officers, as she was arrested this afternoon.  When a local reporter asked her if she meant to hurt the women, and she expressed her desire to represent white citizenry.  “My Dad asked me to remember how important it was to remember the holiday this year, even though it’s not a real holiday.  So when I kick you while you’re down, It’s our way of saying, ‘We feel your pain, black person!'”

Albany Police Sgt. Tom Frank described the lawful act as being stopped just in time.  “It’s a good thing those idiot kids got tired of kicking those poor girls.  They were talking about lynching them to welcome Black History Month, but they had forgotten their ‘liberty noose’.”  The officer then complained the new law must be repealed.

“You racist!” Gillam protested, with her arms behind her back, “How will you remember all that Dr. King has done for this country?  Do you think just watching a Madea movie is enough?  Fifty Shades of Black isn’t enough either, hater!”

“No young lady, I think taking a sociology or history class would be plenty for you.” Sgt. Frank retorted as he led her to his vehicle.

Albany suburbs, like New York City suburbs, are known nationwide for celebrating Black History Month year-round, by watching FoxNews 24 hours a day in almost every eating establishment, and pretending there are only whites in their neighborhoods.  Lynbrook white trash representative, Giovanni Pandolfo, explained such occurrences keep whites from ‘going Rambo’ on every Black they pass on the street, or report to authorities.

“Long Islanders have a lot in common with upstate white liberals.  Those black chicks were lucky,” Pandolfo concluded, inside the Lynbrook Diner on Sunrise Highway, enjoying The O’Reilly Factor on TV.  “Albany works too hard for their Blacks, though.  Here on this side of Long Island, we don’t even pretend they live around here.  I don’t know how those poor repair people and landscapers can stand going to Roosevelt or Baldwin all the time, fixing their junk and mowing their lawns.  I guess their money is still green.”

Sara Silver

Coincidence, I Think Not! Black History Draft

This Black History Minute is brought to you by Gecco Insurance:  If you’re Peter Pan at a high school reunion, you stay young and treat your oldest friends like crap, it’s what you do.  Gecco Insurance is a proud supporter of popular characters that are rarely played by people of color during Black History Month.

Peter Pan sings,
“You make me feel so young,
You make me feel like whites have sprung…”

What do The Oregon Standoff and Tamir Rice have in common?  Both involve white supremacy and institutional racism at its worst.  But now humor must be injected next, now that the initial premise has been established.

How can you tell one racist event from the other?  One event is a preposterous claim from American authorities that it’s okay to cheat a minority group, and the other is a lame land grab.  Oh wait, they are both land grabbing events.

One makes it easy to point out that there is a double standard in this country’s gun policy and public property use, and the other….

One shows how someone that’s dark-skinned can’t enjoy this country the same as white people do.   Hmm, I’ll have to finish this draft when our country makes sense.


Whitesboro – Nuff Said (Sara Silver)

The Sara Silver Chronicles – Continuing coverage of the race war in America, told by a fed up 13 year-old.

The Lenape Nation is cautiously positive with Whitesboro’s recent decision to change it’s town seal, despite repeated votes to keep the seal as it is.  Why would a New York town be content with the image of an American pioneer beating an American native?

“History” seems to be the word included in replies from many Whitesboro citizens, apparently not happy enough with the fact that the name of the town is already called Whitesboro.

The Daily Show’s Jessica Williams proposed a more accurate image of the two iconic figures strangling a British redcoat, as the two sides were allied during the American Revolution.  Common sense, however, is usually the first victim of ignorance.

The masterful sitcom “Parks and Recreation” mocked such poor decisions since its start, but satire on a national scale was not enough to sway these townies during the past decade.  Perhaps this story is a microcosm of the NFL Washington R–skins controversy, but at least the slug-like pace of American progress is moving in the right direction.

Reporting live, from the sticks…
Sara Silver

The History of US White Supremacy

Can’t figure out why Donald Trump is being taken seriously in our country?  Didn’t you know it’s cool to be racist again?

Let’s laugh later, first a history lesson in American White Supremacy from one of the most important organizations in the fight against racism, the Anti-Defamation League, now over 100 years old.

Congratulations, ADL, a hundred more years!

Black History Month is coming up, so you know I’ll be there to tear it to shreds.

Sara Silver

Whites “Stealing the Election”

Anti-racist educator Tim Wise has flat out accused White Conservatives in many states of using voting district gerrymandering and useless voter ID laws to steal the presidential election.

“There are some definite attempts to steal this election, whether it’s for Donald Trump or whomever else, by making it really, really hard for working class folks, particularly people of color and younger folks, to vote.  So as long as the left is good at galvanizing those people, I don’t think that will work, but I wouldn’t take anything for granted in this country.”

Far more disturbing is Wise’s assertion that Trump may not have yet peaked in the polls, and that many white voters are not publicly admitting to favoring Trump, “Because they knew, at some level, it was something wrong.”

A special note to those friends and friends of friends who support laws which deter voters:

“If you have a racist friend, now is the time, now is the time for your friendship to end….  And if you’re a racist, don’t pretend to be my friend.”  – The Specials  (from their song Racist Friend)

Thanks to Dennis Hill for this great Tim Wise interview, which we all may have missed otherwise.


Angry Poll Exposes White Ignorance

Last week, Esquire exposed the lack of empathy White Americans hold for other races:

Whereas blacks and Hispanics get the angriest at how others are treated (as seen in their roughly equal mean QAs), and blacks are the least likely to say “none of the above” (meaning they are the most likely to care enough to care), whites report the least anger about how others are treated (see the low anger quotient) and have the highest likelihood of saying “none of the above.” 

Apparently, being “the racist center of humanity” has deprived White Americans of the ability to care about other races.  Wait, THIS IS NEWS???

Here’s another not-so-surprising gem that characterizes the state of our ‘Trump’ affairs:

Which of the following best describes your opinion of white men in the United States?

  • They have historically run the country and still do. 38%
  • They are less powerful than they used to be but still have a lot of control. 46%
  • They are struggling to keep up, while other groups are moving ahead. 14%

SO 14% of the pollsters think the people MOST OVERLY REPRESENTED in our country are struggling?   Almost HALF of people polled think white men are less powerful, DESPITE dominance in every facet of politics, media, and corporate ownership!  This would be laughable if it weren’t an election year.

THIS is the price of ignorance among White Americans.  Can you imagine how this new emerging minority of Whites will complain when Native Americans, Asians, Latinos and Blacks actually enjoy real voting power?

The truth eludes us as a country.  History books clearly state that our country was founded by the Dutch, who encouraged a multi-cultural environment for the sake of labor.  The Constitution of our great nation clearly drew a line in the sand between church and state to avoid England’s errors in governance.

Thomas Jefferson would roll in his grave if he read this part of the poll:

Which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

For the 4 out of 5  ignorant Christians who have deluded themselves, please note what Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams when he heard Connecticut legally separated itself from Protestantism:  “I join you, therefore, in sincere congratulations that this den of the priesthood is at length broken up, and that a Protestant Popedom is no longer to disgrace the American history and character.”

It should frighten every American that we are not collectively conscious of the HARD fact that America has NEVER been a Christian nation, and has typically been a racist nation.

Donald Trump leads American polls because there are a lot of ignorant White Americans.

Happy 2016!


Dear Friends of Justice, Freedom and Happiness,You may not have figured this out by now, but your humble blogger is the type of human who only posts a blog entry when inspired, prodded or driven by my soul’s instincts to share with family and friends when I discover something that may slip by you.I have made it my personal mission over the past several months to watch EVERY SINGLE episode of the masterpiece series, Mystery Science Theater 3000, known to fans and the people I love as MST3K.   This program is a Best Brains Production made for the PG-13 crowd (For the most part – PARENTS, certain episodes are not appropriate for kids under 17.  I excuse my own kid, because she’s quite mature for her age), but I must bring to your attention the absolute PERFECT episodes every family MUST watch!Don’t watch it because of any race issue, I’m not always about race, it only makes up about 60% percent (Yes, my favorite parody I’ve written, “All About That Race”, is just a song people, don’t take me too seriously. )Here are the top films from the first 6 seasons you must watch with your children, assuming you’ve already had “the sex talk”, “the drug talk”, “the feminist talk”, “the race talk” and “the white supremacy talk” with the kids, of course: Invasion USA – Not only is the timing perfect, considering our political and cultural divisions in this great nation of ours, EVERY American should make it their mission to watch this episode, which I proudly and confidently dub the GREATEST MST3K episode I have ever seen, now that I’ve watched every episode YouTube has to offer.Dear hardcore fans, I know you love Joel episodes, all the rest of my choices are episodes Joel H hosts, and I deeply appreciate your love of this man, he is absolutely brilliant.  Please do not punish Mike from your love of Joel, it’s not fair, and it’s ill-founded.  Joel is only 1 man out of the dozen or so people that have made this series a labor of love.Invasion USA is not only a film every patriot should see,  it is a perfect synergy of the talent behind this talented group of comics and writers.  Humor, pacing, and a surprisingly good plot is not always something every fan of this show enjoys.  Some of the movies are sincerely painful to watch, but this 4-star masterpiece has topped the hundreds of hours of 3-star episodes I have had the honor to view.  It’s got violence, romance, action, and of course, killer sarcasm, timing and interjections that will please even the most jaded film viewer.  DON’T MISS THIS MOVIE!  I promise, it will not disappoint.Gamera – 4 movies in total.  WATCH EVERY ONE!  You’ll understand why I highly recommend these as a group together.  You’ll understand when you want to strangle an innocent Japanese child actor.  Don’t miss out on the pain, you’ll think you ran a marathon!Hercules – can’t get a definite sequel count on this one, due to missing episodes online, but there are 3 available currently.  Gold!Night of the Blood Beast – masterful, and still funny after the 5th time!  This is THE FAMILY FAVORITE so far!Mitchell – OMG – If you don’t mind a cocaine sub-plot (don’t do drugs, kids, seriously) and have a sense of humor, you will LOVE this classic and pivotal episode, starring Joe Don Baker and Dynasty’s Linda Evans.  MUST SEE for every true fan!Santa Claus Conquers the Martians – nuff said.Yeah, that’s 10 altogether.  Too tired to fight with the auto-counter on this html program.  It all started when I grouped the Gamera movies…  You understand, don’t you?   :)Sorry for the delay between posts, everyone.  At least you’ll have some intellectual meat to sink your teeth into now, during my absences.ENJOY EVERYONE!



Dear Friends of Justice, Freedom and Happiness,

You may not have figured this out by now, but your humble blogger is the type of human who only posts a blog entry when inspired, prodded or driven by my soul’s instincts to share with family and friends when I discover something that may slip by you.

I have made it my personal mission over the past several months to watch EVERY SINGLE episode of the masterpiece series, Mystery Science Theater 3000, known to fans and the people I love as MST3K.   This program is a Best Brains Production made for the PG-13 crowd (For the most part – PARENTS, certain episodes are not appropriate for kids under 17.  I excuse my own kid, because she’s quite mature for her age), but I must bring to your attention the absolute PERFECT episodes every family MUST watch!

Don’t watch it because of any race issue, I’m not always about race, it only makes up about 60% percent (Yes, my favorite parody I’ve written, “All About That Race”, is just a song people, don’t take me too seriously. )

Here are the top films from the first 6 seasons you must watch with your children, assuming you’ve already had “the sex talk”, “the drug talk”, “the feminist talk”, “the race talk” and “the white supremacy talk” with the kids, of course:

  1.  Invasion USA – Not only is the timing perfect, considering our political and cultural divisions in this great nation of ours, EVERY American should make it their mission to watch this episode, which I proudly and confidently dub the GREATEST MST3K episode I have ever seen, now that I’ve watched every episode YouTube has to offer.

    Dear hardcore fans, I know you love Joel episodes, all the rest of my choices are episodes Joel H hosts, and I deeply appreciate your love of this man, he is absolutely brilliant.  Please do not punish Mike from your love of Joel, it’s not fair, and it’s ill-founded.  Joel is only 1 man out of the dozen or so people that have made this series a labor of love.

    Invasion USA is not only a film every patriot should see,  it is a perfect synergy of the talent behind this talented group of comics and writers.  Humor, pacing, and a surprisingly good plot is not always something every fan of this show enjoys.  Some of the movies are sincerely painful to watch, but this 4-star masterpiece has topped the hundreds of hours of 3-star episodes I have had the honor to view.  It’s got violence, romance, action, and of course, killer sarcasm, timing and interjections that will please even the most jaded film viewer.  DON’T MISS THIS MOVIE!  I promise, it will not disappoint.

  2. Gamera – 4 movies in total.  WATCH EVERY ONE!  You’ll understand why I highly recommend these as a group together.  You’ll understand when you want to strangle an innocent Japanese child actor.  Don’t miss out on the pain, you’ll think you ran a marathon!
  3. Hercules – can’t get a definite sequel count on this one, due to missing episodes online, but there are 3 available currently.  Gold!
  4. Night of the Blood Beast – masterful, and still funny after the 5th time!  This is THE FAMILY FAVORITE so far!
  5. Mitchell – OMG – If you don’t mind a cocaine sub-plot (don’t do drugs, kids, seriously) and have a sense of humor, you will LOVE this classic and pivotal episode, starring Joe Don Baker and Dynasty’s Linda Evans.  MUST SEE for every true fan!
  6. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians – nuff said.

    Yeah, that’s 10 altogether.  Too tired to fight with the auto-counter on this html program.  It all started when I grouped the Gamera movies…  You understand, don’t you?   🙂

    Sorry for the delay between posts, everyone.  At least you’ll have some intellectual meat to sink your teeth into now, during my absences.