Race Against Race Goes on Hiatus Til Aug 2016

Dear Faithful and Loyal Readers;

Due to my desire to make a better impact on my city, my blog must go on temporary summer hiatus, as I delve to further my personal mission to making OUR great apartheid-like, second-class-filled nation a truly fair one.

This summer, I will wander the urban dessert, as many before me, to find my Mecca, as Ta-Nehisi Coates teaches.  (And if you don’t know who that is, you are hereby condemned to read every entry of my blog since inception, slacker!)  I will re-post some of my favorite entries just to say, “Hey!”

Don’t worry about what I am doing (not your business, nosy!)  What are YOU doing to save the future?

I am starting in my own backyard, but what will YOU do this summer to make the world more fair?

Will you help underprivileged children read, while gentrifying their neighborhood, so they someday cannot afford to live there?

Will you work to eliminate state voting district gerrymandering, while supporting your local congressperson to maintain their power?

There are countless ways YOU can help the less fortunate around you, while pretending they don’t exist as you commute.  Volunteer in a mediocre fashion at something to promote fairness TODAY!

In the meantime, enjoy my old stories, I crack myself up watching my imaginary news crew pull no punches on the issues of the day.  Sing a song parody, re-create one of my satirical plays with your friends, or just fill up a high-pressure water cannon and play the Civil Rights Game, knocking people of color down in a fake protest!

Until the dog days of summer, fellow race warriors!

Love and war,
Sara Silver, Tony Danzig, and Ren Louis!