Top Ten Ways to Further Screw Native Americans

How can a race be further screwed?
“Gee, we’ve had it so bad in America, can you please help ruin it further?”

Top ten list from a South Dakotan, regarding last week’s Rapid City hate crime, on how to further screw Native Americans:

1.  Before promoting any hockey game, make it clear on the tickets that it is a sport mostly ignorant Whites attend.

2.  Encourage national media networks to minimize coverage about children being attacked, unless the children are white, of course.

3.  Write angry and ignorant responses to Chase Iron Eyes‘ Facebook posts, for not being of European descent.

4.  Next time you hover over a minority group with little political power, pour water on them and drink the beer instead, that’s savings that will go directly to your racist pocket!

5.  Discouraging the academic achievement of teenagers is one thing, but chasing a slow-moving group of people of color is an easy target Caucasians can exploit at all future events.  (e.g. – Southern Baptist church groups)

6.  While insulting people of color comes naturally for affluent Philly Eagle drunks, consider insulting them in the 1st half of the game, so the police will have time to find you before you leave.

7.  When you see parents crying on TV news about how their academically successful children are having nightmares, turn the volume down, it will significantly decrease your guilt complex.

8.  Complain freely among your friends how tired you are hearing about race issues in America.  Ignorance works like aspirin when making problems go away.

9.  Bring up race issues with people of color you employ or have some power over, it’s amazing to see how quickly they will agree with your sense of apathy.

10.  Use the words, “Playing the Race Card” more often.  When said enough, you will begin to believe it’s true.

–  Anonymous South Dakotan

Gov Cuomo Driving the Poor Out of New York

NY Gov gives the poor the Brazilian salute.
NY Gov gives the poor the Brazilian salute.

This message was just sent to the Governor of New York:

Dear Governor;

It was announced on the news today that you propose to suspend the drivers license of citizens who owe more than $5,000 in taxes.

Here are further ways you can scold the working poor:

– Remove some of the teeth of overweight children, to compel them to eat less food.
– Deny MetroCards to commuters who can barely afford to pay rent.
– Block internet access to lower-middle class and poor job seekers.
– Build debtors prisons and work camps.
– “Fast Track” the poor into these new facilities, to keep the poor from having time to pay debts.

These measures are ideal compliments to your proposed legislation to fight poverty in our great state, and will solidify your place in history as the Governor who abolished poverty by abolishing the poor.

Good luck,
Rennick D
Future Debtor Prisoner

“Pay as You Stay” Prison – Note From an Angry Ex-Wife

"No, I CAN'T pay child support from prison!"
“No, I CAN’T pay child support from prison!”

This Black History Minute is brought to you by McDonald’s, now planning on firing half our employees, to avoid paying them a living wage.   Coming soon, kiosks, to help you minimize time with other humans, especially the poor ones.  At McDonald’s we keep the poor in our food quality, and take the poor out of the people you see when you visit.  Loving it!

This note was cc’d to this blog, by a working mom who just found out that she has to pay $0.50 per minute to visit her ex-husband in prison:

“Dear Lewis County Parole Board;

For years, I have taken great pleasure in torturing my ex-husband on a monthly basis, taking our daughter with me, only to leave her in the lobby, just so he’ll KNOW she’s only a few yards away, while I berate him for his low-income, being disenfranchised, and failing to attend more operas and ballets.

African American men have filled most prisons for decades, and I applaud locking up the scary members of our society.  But now you’re asking me to PAY to visit a prisoner, with this new video technology, and I won’t even have the pleasure of hearing him wince with my own ears?  I have to hear it through a speaker?  What kind of satisfaction can I enjoy if he can’t hear me screaming at him how little and small I think he is?

If I want to psychologically torment the man who is responsible for the stretch marks on my breasts and belly, at least allow me the pleasure of adding the expense to the child support account.  It’s only fair that he pays for part of a visit he would rather not have.

Now I’ve just heard that Ferguson, Missouri’s poor people can’t afford to be ticketed and fined, and are complaining that some of them are in debtor’s prisons.  How are working class people supposed to look down on the poor if states start treating them accordingly!?  What’s next, homes for the homeless?”

I’m All About That Race (Song Parody)

Race Against Race!

To be sung to Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Base”
Written by –  Rennick D

Because you know
I’m all about that Race, ’bout that race, no Heckels.
I’m all about that Race, ’bout that race, no Jekylls.
I’m all about that Race, ’bout that race, no heckles.
I’m all about that Race, ’bout that race, ’bout that race.

Sometimes it’s not that clear, what you’re supposed to do,
If you’re from white descent, and if you’re not a Jew,
Just give up room room now up for another race,
All the right moves for all the white places.

I see the FoxNews show, workin’ the backwards track.
You know O’Reilly’s wrong, you shouldn’t need a PAC.
He speaks right from his booty, his policy is whack.
He thinks redrawing district lines is gonna  bring sh-t back.

You know you ain’t gotta worry ’bout power you lose tonight,
My mama…

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