About Race

Race Against Race is a humor website dedicated to discussing race in America.  The blog is self-rated at a PG-13 level,  so bring the kids to learn what racism really is.  The more challenging the topic, the better.

The Editor, Ren Louis., is a native New Yorker who loves music, movies, and talking about things most people feel uncomfortable discussing.  He is married and is unarmed.

His Imaginary News Team consists of:

Sara Silver — The roving teenage reporter who travels the earth to bring you the hot scoop where ever she is!

Tony Danzig — Describing himself as, “Jonah Jameson, Bill Buckley Jr. and Schwarzenegger all rolled up in one a ‘dem Futurama jars, but with legs.”  Mr. Danzig brings you the big picture on the biggest issues.

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This blog is inspired by my wish to entertain and show friends in my circle my perspective of race, and I am thrilled to see it is also enjoyed by new readers and fellow bloggers.  Like many blogs, people from around the world have stumbled onto a page of mine for one reason or another, but those who elect to follow me hold a special status in my book and I value your patronage.

Perhaps other bloggers don’t see followers this way, but I see you all as a swelling mass of blind followers, ready to do my bidding at a moments notice.  You are willing to sacrifice all you hold dear in this lifelong battle of civil rights, perform assassinations and high crimes at my whim and leisure, while always worshiping the great EYE.

The Crazy 88s on patrol
The Crazy 88s on patrol.  Choose your weapon, and join us!

The first premise of this blog is that we Americans must acknowledge the obvious fact that our country has not taken enough steps to heal the wounds of our own citizens, and that apathy is as dangerous as leaving Justin ‘Bieber with your motor vehicle.

RaceAgainstRace makes no money from this labor of love, and if you want to show your support, tell your friends and family (above the age of 13, I suggest) about my take on racial issues, from an educated American striving to help his daughter prepare for what American life has to offer, in a country where second class citizenship is a constant reality to struggle against.

This team of dedicated imaginary reporters wants to reach out to everyone to effect change, and challenges YOU to speak out for those who don’t have as strong a voice as you.  Most of my friends and family pay me begrudging respect, thought they may not like how I send my message, and I have lost many friends who outright disagree or are offended by my statements, regardless of how true they are.

But Reason is in the heart of satire, and my respect for it supersedes all relationships. and when it feels like I’m shoving it down your throat, you can either relax brain muscles and swallow, or not let anything get through.  How we approach problems are as vital as solving them, lest we not attend to those problems as well as we should.

Fight with those who value progress with whatever weapon you have, your political influence, intelligence or access to the powers that be, and do it as if your family’s life were at stake, because it is.  I thank you all for your respect, now please choose your weapon and fight for happiness!

Let’s make the world better!
Ren Louis
Father, Blogger, Teacher, and Lover of Life

2 thoughts on “About Race”

    1. Thanks and welcome, it’s great fun writing it, and I look forward to hearing from you! Please share it with friends who may be offended. Regards, R

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