Tom Friedman on ISIS

This Tom Friedman on ISIS Op-ed asks all the right questions.  Now I have a question, why is the greatest country ever always acting on fear?  What is it you’re so afraid of, white people?  Was Michael Moore right in “Bowling for Columbine”, are you simply afraid of backlash from the people you’ve made so miserable all these decades?

If that’s the case, I humbly paraphrase one of your own — Dr, Phil.  You’re plan on oppressing terrorism, how’s that working for you?


A Call to Beaten Children

Today is about facing ugliness and evil in all of its forms.  The next time some ignorant mother says, “Spare the rod spoil the child,” refer them to this article, lest they pass on terrible habits to future generations.  Being the son of abusive parents, my sensitivity to this topic usually leads me to an emotional fever.  I will simply highly recommend ALL parents read this 
Michael Eric Dyson NY Times Op-ed
 article, and be empathetic toward those in our society who have been dealt the rod, we know not what we do.
