Whitesboro – Nuff Said (Sara Silver)

The Sara Silver Chronicles – Continuing coverage of the race war in America, told by a fed up 13 year-old.

The Lenape Nation is cautiously positive with Whitesboro’s recent decision to change it’s town seal, despite repeated votes to keep the seal as it is.  Why would a New York town be content with the image of an American pioneer beating an American native?

“History” seems to be the word included in replies from many Whitesboro citizens, apparently not happy enough with the fact that the name of the town is already called Whitesboro.

The Daily Show’s Jessica Williams proposed a more accurate image of the two iconic figures strangling a British redcoat, as the two sides were allied during the American Revolution.  Common sense, however, is usually the first victim of ignorance.

The masterful sitcom “Parks and Recreation” mocked such poor decisions since its start, but satire on a national scale was not enough to sway these townies during the past decade.  Perhaps this story is a microcosm of the NFL Washington R–skins controversy, but at least the slug-like pace of American progress is moving in the right direction.

Reporting live, from the sticks…
Sara Silver

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